Dexter as a name can refer to two separate meanings. The first is the name given to a particular breed of Irish cattle that were originally bred in the south of the island, in an area called Valentina Island. They are considered a small breed due to their shape which can be described as being short-legged but broad. The second meaning is one who dyes, I will refer back to this later on and for now, I will continue with the Irish breed meaning. Due to the cows having a short/mini frame of a body, at times they can be mistaken to be having a dwarfism condition. This isn't the case but only speculation due to the size of their legs. However, Valentina Island is supposedly the home of the Irish folklore entity called Mug Ruith. Described as being a druid/wizard, this Mug Ruith character is shared in many stories of Irish mythology. However Mug Ruith isn't widely known, the best representation of Irish folklore could be the leprechaun. Also known as the Irish dwarf. The image of the leprechaun is widely used hence you vision a picture when you hear the name. It is on cereal boxes, it's a mascot for sports, tv show characters etc. When the date is St Patrick's Day, it is known that as part of the celebrations, dwarfs may dress up as leprechauns to join in on the shenanigans of the day. However, in the past, there was more of a stigma on dwarfism and other body conditions that weren't considered as being a developed human. During the 1800s/victorian period and some part of the 1900's there would be attractions that would go from town to town as a carnival that displayed oddities of the human body. These were known as freak shows, which were used to generate a paying crowd so that the onlookers would gain a shock value by looking at human beings with body conditions that weren't entirely accepted around those times as being normal.
Shock value- It is where someone is surprised or becomes upset due to a form of visual messaging, being text, motion or even from the senses. This sharp reaction (shock value) is created by a pleasant thrill or unwelcoming feeling like nausea. The freakshows would cause both effects among the crowd. The show would consist of body conditions such as dwarfism, conjoined twins, Proteus syndrome (Effects the face - elephant man), Hypertrichosis (werewolves syndrome), etc. Yet there would be participants who would willingly do bodily mutilation or harm themselves for the pleasure or disgust of the crowd. This would involve for example mirin dajo who would pierce his body with fencing swords/foils - extreme version-or less subtle would be for example full body tattoos (head to toe). This idea of travelling from town to town to excite and make people skirmish was popular in the Victorian period, yet in today's age, tattoos, piercings and some body modifications are considered the norm. This became more and more accepted in society day to day acceptance due to different subcultures but one that had a lasting impact would be the punk period.
Before I touch on the term punk period. Body modification or harm can also be visually seen on animals for example. Some people tend to have a large nose piercing as part of their daily jewellery presentation. A spectrum piercing is just so but is also used on cows and bulls to help wean young cattle, therefore becomes permanent in some cases. There is an extreme example of this which is scarification where the skin is permanently damaged by burning or etching. Done so to identify a group/clan or breed or even ownership. Widely seen in African tribes as well as branding on cowhides. However, this has also become more apparent (not by much) by people who want to alter their appearance. Instead of getting tattoos with ink, they carve the design into their skin instead or by laser.
To begin with, the punk period and punk subculture are related but different concepts. The punk period was a time in the 1970s when a rebellious, hard-hitting agenda against the establishment developed among young adults who based this social attitude on music. Punk subculture differs from this since it consists of people who have a common interest in punk but vary in groups from the straight edge, post-punk, new wave etc. But can be identified by the social cues or by the way they dress. By wearing bright colours, slashed clothes, studded jackets or even a mohawk hairstyle. This destructive style is considered brash and rough therefore a certain shock value about it. A common symbol seen or attributed to punk is the safety pin. Used as a decorative accessory by either being used as a piercing or clothing attachment. It implied how punk was against anything mainstream, as in the establishment. The heyday of the punk period was in the mid-70s but its influence does continue in areas that are primarily music but fashion for example. In 2013 Versace created its version called Vunk. Drawing influences from a punk aesthetic the models were dressed in slashed garments, and studded jackets yet the most significant was the safety pin. As stated it's a punk symbol but is also a throwback to 1994 when Elizabeth Hurley wore a Versace dress that was heavily decorated on the sides with gold extremely large safety pins. Known as 'that dress' it is considered one of Versace's best-known creations. Due to the unusual design it became iconic and it helped catapult Hurley and the film 'four weddings and a Funeral' (she was attending the premiere) to world wide frame. the aftermath of this created a status symbol around the dress. A status symbol - a person with a status that is influenced by name, title or ownership over a certain product/item.
With this explanation, the mohawk although related to punk has a more significant meaning. Native Americans in the past wore a headdress called a roach to disclose to others if they have participated in war/combat as well as leadership. However, it is only worn on certain occasions as in scarred holidays or meetings of tribes. Although one of the tribes the pawnee wore the mohawk (Which originated from the headdress) frequently. It was known to represent non-conformity, their way or no other way. This explains in some way one of the reasons why the mohawk is popular in the punk subcultures. The headdress or mohawk at times was dyed red in preparation for combat to let enemies know to be prepared. Therefore this relates to the second meaning of dexter which was one who dyes.
While looking into websites that provided stories and general, I came across the event called the Boston tea party. In 1773, angry at the British taxation a group of American colonists disguised as Native Americans preceded to dump 342 chests of tea off the ships into the harbour. The tea belonged to the east india trading company, British owned and controlled and played a critical role in establishing trade routes in the Victorian period. Known for transporting and trading goods across Europe, Asia and Africa. one of their most sought after was indigo blue dye. There was a high demand for it since it played a massive part in the textile industry which had begun to flourish around that time. Although the east india trading company had a significant monopoly in the trading and selling of the dye they weren't able to corner the market - as in gain sole control of it. This was because heinrich schliemann acquired significant shares in this lucrative product thus making him extremely wealthy. This wealth enabled him to follow his passion for archaeology. This is why in the next paragraph or so I'll explain how he relates to the term Valentina island, mentioned at the start of the text.
Valentina Island is the English name but the Irish name is Dairbhre which translates to oak isle or island. The name oak island is also given to an area in nova scotia, Canada. Both the Irish and Canadian islands have a story referring to piracy. The Irish one is probably less known. The village Portmagee located on a peninsula south of Valentina is named after Captain Theobold Magee. During the 18th century, he was able to trade contraband like tobacco and alcohol without being caught due to his knowledge of the many inlets along the coast. Enabling to have a successful smuggling trade of pirated goods. The Canadian version is the legend of called 'the oak island mystery'. It is said that captain kidd buried his treasure there, which has gained a lot of attention over the years. There have been many attempts of finding it which has led to abandon dig sites or searches which have produced nothing. A legend is a story from a historical source but without solid facts or enough physical evidence to prove it's true. Therefore a lot of speculation and time is put into solving them. Sometimes creating wild theories which at times do prove to be true. Heinrich Schliemann had been labelled a fantasist by some due to his obsession with the location of the ancient city of Troy. Up until 1872-1873, although Troy was considered to once exist it was regarded as more of a mystery since the legend of the city couldn't be proven without a location. When Henrich discovered ruins in the Hisarlik area of Turkey, it was declared that he had discovered Troy. Along with the discovery he discovered golden artefacts which relates to the oak island mystery since both sites have the same idea of solving a mystery and finding treasure on the way.
Shock value- It is where someone is surprised or becomes upset due to a form of visual messaging, being text, motion or even from the senses. This sharp reaction (shock value) is created by a pleasant thrill or unwelcoming feeling like nausea. The freakshows would cause both effects among the crowd. The show would consist of body conditions such as dwarfism, conjoined twins, Proteus syndrome (Effects the face - elephant man), Hypertrichosis (werewolves syndrome), etc. Yet there would be participants who would willingly do bodily mutilation or harm themselves for the pleasure or disgust of the crowd. This would involve for example mirin dajo who would pierce his body with fencing swords/foils - extreme version-or less subtle would be for example full body tattoos (head to toe). This idea of travelling from town to town to excite and make people skirmish was popular in the Victorian period, yet in today's age, tattoos, piercings and some body modifications are considered the norm. This became more and more accepted in society day to day acceptance due to different subcultures but one that had a lasting impact would be the punk period.
Before I touch on the term punk period. Body modification or harm can also be visually seen on animals for example. Some people tend to have a large nose piercing as part of their daily jewellery presentation. A spectrum piercing is just so but is also used on cows and bulls to help wean young cattle, therefore becomes permanent in some cases. There is an extreme example of this which is scarification where the skin is permanently damaged by burning or etching. Done so to identify a group/clan or breed or even ownership. Widely seen in African tribes as well as branding on cowhides. However, this has also become more apparent (not by much) by people who want to alter their appearance. Instead of getting tattoos with ink, they carve the design into their skin instead or by laser.
To begin with, the punk period and punk subculture are related but different concepts. The punk period was a time in the 1970s when a rebellious, hard-hitting agenda against the establishment developed among young adults who based this social attitude on music. Punk subculture differs from this since it consists of people who have a common interest in punk but vary in groups from the straight edge, post-punk, new wave etc. But can be identified by the social cues or by the way they dress. By wearing bright colours, slashed clothes, studded jackets or even a mohawk hairstyle. This destructive style is considered brash and rough therefore a certain shock value about it. A common symbol seen or attributed to punk is the safety pin. Used as a decorative accessory by either being used as a piercing or clothing attachment. It implied how punk was against anything mainstream, as in the establishment. The heyday of the punk period was in the mid-70s but its influence does continue in areas that are primarily music but fashion for example. In 2013 Versace created its version called Vunk. Drawing influences from a punk aesthetic the models were dressed in slashed garments, and studded jackets yet the most significant was the safety pin. As stated it's a punk symbol but is also a throwback to 1994 when Elizabeth Hurley wore a Versace dress that was heavily decorated on the sides with gold extremely large safety pins. Known as 'that dress' it is considered one of Versace's best-known creations. Due to the unusual design it became iconic and it helped catapult Hurley and the film 'four weddings and a Funeral' (she was attending the premiere) to world wide frame. the aftermath of this created a status symbol around the dress. A status symbol - a person with a status that is influenced by name, title or ownership over a certain product/item.
With this explanation, the mohawk although related to punk has a more significant meaning. Native Americans in the past wore a headdress called a roach to disclose to others if they have participated in war/combat as well as leadership. However, it is only worn on certain occasions as in scarred holidays or meetings of tribes. Although one of the tribes the pawnee wore the mohawk (Which originated from the headdress) frequently. It was known to represent non-conformity, their way or no other way. This explains in some way one of the reasons why the mohawk is popular in the punk subcultures. The headdress or mohawk at times was dyed red in preparation for combat to let enemies know to be prepared. Therefore this relates to the second meaning of dexter which was one who dyes.
While looking into websites that provided stories and general, I came across the event called the Boston tea party. In 1773, angry at the British taxation a group of American colonists disguised as Native Americans preceded to dump 342 chests of tea off the ships into the harbour. The tea belonged to the east india trading company, British owned and controlled and played a critical role in establishing trade routes in the Victorian period. Known for transporting and trading goods across Europe, Asia and Africa. one of their most sought after was indigo blue dye. There was a high demand for it since it played a massive part in the textile industry which had begun to flourish around that time. Although the east india trading company had a significant monopoly in the trading and selling of the dye they weren't able to corner the market - as in gain sole control of it. This was because heinrich schliemann acquired significant shares in this lucrative product thus making him extremely wealthy. This wealth enabled him to follow his passion for archaeology. This is why in the next paragraph or so I'll explain how he relates to the term Valentina island, mentioned at the start of the text.
Valentina Island is the English name but the Irish name is Dairbhre which translates to oak isle or island. The name oak island is also given to an area in nova scotia, Canada. Both the Irish and Canadian islands have a story referring to piracy. The Irish one is probably less known. The village Portmagee located on a peninsula south of Valentina is named after Captain Theobold Magee. During the 18th century, he was able to trade contraband like tobacco and alcohol without being caught due to his knowledge of the many inlets along the coast. Enabling to have a successful smuggling trade of pirated goods. The Canadian version is the legend of called 'the oak island mystery'. It is said that captain kidd buried his treasure there, which has gained a lot of attention over the years. There have been many attempts of finding it which has led to abandon dig sites or searches which have produced nothing. A legend is a story from a historical source but without solid facts or enough physical evidence to prove it's true. Therefore a lot of speculation and time is put into solving them. Sometimes creating wild theories which at times do prove to be true. Heinrich Schliemann had been labelled a fantasist by some due to his obsession with the location of the ancient city of Troy. Up until 1872-1873, although Troy was considered to once exist it was regarded as more of a mystery since the legend of the city couldn't be proven without a location. When Henrich discovered ruins in the Hisarlik area of Turkey, it was declared that he had discovered Troy. Along with the discovery he discovered golden artefacts which relates to the oak island mystery since both sites have the same idea of solving a mystery and finding treasure on the way.

examples of development