Royal blue section

Phantom Planet is a planet whose existence can't be proven yet there have been debated observations of the planet that cause it to be still be considered to be out there by some. I'm not referring to the phantom planet band that was formed in 1994. In 1859 Urbain Le Verrier had announced that there is an undiscovered planet between mercury and the sun. If it were to be proven then the planet would be called Vulcan after the Roman god of fire because if its proximity to the sun. There had been several reports supporting his claim but none as such could be verified 100%. In 1919 after a solar eclipse the claim had been concluded as being impossible due to how Albert Einstein theory of general relativity produced a better understanding of gravity. Even before Le Verrier had claimed there was a planet between the sun and mercury, celestial bodies had been hypothesized to exist between the star and planet centuries before. German astronomer Christoph Scheiner had initially thought to have seen such bodies pass in front of the sun in 1611 but these were proven to be sunspots. Although the planet Vulcan was proven not to exist there are claims that there could be possible celestial bodies (vulcanoids) in the forms of asteroids that orbit the sun. If they were to exist then it would be difficult to spot them because of their possible size and how they would be near the bright glare of the sun. A celestial body is a physical entity that is made out of matter in a 3-dimensional form that exists in the universe. The celestial body refers to planets, stars, moons etc.
Considering how the celestial bodies such as the planets in our solar system have been proven and have photographic evidence that shows their surfaces, I want to make a pretend piece that is sought of like a hoax that claims this is a close up of one of the vulcanoid asteroids.
Considering how the celestial bodies such as the planets in our solar system have been proven and have photographic evidence that shows their surfaces, I want to make a pretend piece that is sought of like a hoax that claims this is a close up of one of the vulcanoid asteroids.
Close ups of some planets



This pretend or hoax piece will display a fake photo of a vulcanoid that is part of the supposed asteroid belt between the sun and mercury. The vulcanoid is an asteroid therefore will need a provisional designation. A provisional designation is a naming system for a newly discovered astronomical object. Images below explain and there is a link button to Wikipedia which explains it all.

Firstly the provisional designation is given when its discovered therefore proven to exist. I can't prove that the vulcanoids exist or how many of them there are if they were to. Considering this is a pretend piece, then why not make it more dynamic by pretending that there is a vulcanoid asteroid for each person. The person would have to provide the date and time they were born so you could make a provisional designation from it. For example, person A was born on the 29th of July 1992 at 7.35 pm. Note the way I work the designation will be slightly different to the method shown in the above images.
Person A, 29th July 1992 at 7.35pm
Provisional designation=1992OU795
Packed designation=J92Oz(176)U
So the first part of the provisional is the year therefore 1992. Next is the letter of the half month which is O. After that comes the second letter and a numerical suffix to indicate the order of discovery within that half-month. So I worked this in my own method which involved the time the person was born and the number of days since the start of that half month. Therefore 13days and 19 hours and 35 mins. Convert that into minutes which equals 19895. Work out how many times 25 goes into 19895 but no decimals. So 19875 divided by 25=795 with a remainder 20 which couldn't be divided by 25. The remainder number means the current position in the naming cycle which is U.
Packed designation is primarily used for databases and consist of 7 digits only. Mine doesn't because The packed system provides upper and lowercase letters to encode up to 619 "cycles". This means that 15,500 designations ( = 619×25 + 25) within a half-month can be packed. My form of the packed designation includes minutes in the cycle therefore the suffix number which is 795 exceeds the 619 by 176 therefore that part of the packed form will be placed in brackets if it exceeds 619. Person A was born in the 1900s therefore their first digit is J (if you born in 2000s it would be K) followed by the year in the 1900s which is 92. Next is the half month which is O. The U795 becomes z(176)U.
Some other examples
Person B, 7th January 2004 at 9am
Provisional designation=2004AE367
Packed designation=K04Aa7E
Person C, 18th September 1975 at 12:56am
Provisional designation=1975SL117
Packed designation=J75SB7L
Person D, 1st December 2014 at 3:13pm
Provisional designation= 2014XN36
Packed designation=K14X36N

The above covers the naming if a vulcanoid was discovered in the supposed asteroid belt that orbits the sun. But it doesn't where in the asteroid belt it would be discovered. Because of how the name of the asteroid in provisional designation form comes from the birth of the person who would discover it, hypothetically. It would make sense to use sky charts that show the placement of the solar system at the time of birth but also showing the zodiac symbols (astronomical symbols) to somehow pin point where the vulcanoid is in the belt.

The website The planets today offer a more or less accurate perspective of the alignment of the solar system on various dates and times.
Person A, 29th July 1992 at 7.35pm , Leo

Person B, 7th January 2004 at 9am,Capricorn

Person C, 18th September 1975, Virgo

Person D, 1st December 2014,Sagittarius

The images below will show the print layout of the different dates to match the the position of the vulcanoid asteroid.

The orange/red patch represents the area in which the vulcanoid is located.

To find the position in the patch divide it by twelve and pick the number that would represent the month

Divide it again by twelve and pick the month number

turn the segment into a circle

If were to represent the vulcanoid asteroid by a single dot then it would be difficult to see. Instead I will make a clear dot in the orange/red patch to make it visible.

Person A, Vulcanoid location

Person B, Vulcanoid location

Person C, Vulcanoid location

Person D, Vulcanoid location

While trying to figure out how to to create an image of the fake asteroids, I came across the term vulcanization. Vulcanization is the process of hardening rubber by mixing the rubber with sulphur which is then heated to about 160°C. This causes the molecules in the rubber to cross-link causing an improvement of strength, hardness and weather resistant. An example of a product that comes from this is car tires. I wanted to do this but because vulcanization is not a home procedure I would have to settle for something simpler but inspired by vulcanization. What I decided to do was to engrave rubber sheets with lines representing the day of the month the person was born, The rubber sheet was of a colour that represents the Vulcan god. once engraved I will then burn the rubber to disfigure the surface. Next, I will wrap the image of the rubber sheets over a sphere therefore creating a fake image of an asteroid.
Person A= Asteroid A

Person B = Asteroid B

Person C = Asteroid C

Person D = Asteroid D

Vulcanoid hoax posters below
Vulcanoid A

Vulcanoid B

Vulcanoid C

Vulcanoid D